I’ve been so busy lately, I haven’t had time to get pictures of any outfits or blog about anything specific. I’ve been quite the busy bee. If y’all don’t know me that well you may not know that I stay pretty busy with work (Insert Rihanna song here). That’s not all that’s been keeping me busy though. My husband and I have been trying to gym more regularly and we started a new diet PLUS I haven’t had a coffee in over a month!!! I know you may be thinking what does no coffee have to do with me being busy…but just imagine a day or week where you’re super busy and have had NO coffee! Now think how you may feel much busier than you actually are… hopefully you see where I’m coming from. I don’t think I’ve given up on coffee for good, we just needed a break…we’re on a break! (Friends fans will understand). So on top of working a lot *cough* 2 weeks with no day off *cough*, finding time to gym 5 days a week, have time with my husband, plus maintain some sort of social life has worn a girl out!
All that being said, I haven’t really been taking great outfit post. I mean, I usually take them daily for my Snapchat, but It’s always from my store and it’s always the same selfie in front of the same mirror.. it can get kind of boring (however, scroll down to see them 😜). I just want to talk about everything that’s been going on lately in a condensed post.
White on white.. Yeah! or Nah! I’m in love with the white on white trend and with spring coming just around the corner I wanted to get answers! So I took it to Instagram. The poll results showed over 80% of the voters are a fan! Which is great news because I love a good cream sweater paired with white skinnies or even a white tee with a cream sweater over!
Levis Lover! Ive become obsessed with T-shirts, in fact out of my last 5 purchases 3 have been T-shirt’s. I love this branded tee! Brings out the total 90s kid in me!

March is here!! There is so much going on this month! Like St. Patricks Day, so I wanted to get a head start on planning outfits! Heres a couple looks that would be great for any St. Pattys day plans you may have! Both of the T-shirts I have on from Luckly Brand.. and I’m in love with them!
Weekend plans?? Put this free people bralette under anything to feel like you have a winning outfit! Here’s a look that I took from work to out with the hubby and friends!
I’m not eating carbs..thats pretty much all you need to know. Gymming 4 to 5 days a week, so hoping to see some good results and I’ll definitely add pictures if I start to see some real changes!
Okay, I’ll wrap this one up for now! Hopefully, I’ll post again wayyyyy sooner!!